Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the more common questions we get. If you still have a question after reading through this, please don't hesitate to contact us: info@homebuildershomeschool.com

Just want a quick overview of our group? Start here:



1. How do I start homeschooling?
Great question! Our group's focus is on private homeschooling, so that's where we can really help you. Whether you're wanting to withdraw your student and switch schools or start the process of planning your year, choosing curriculum, etc., we'd recommend this article that can get you started: https://cheaofca.org/blog/keep-calm-and-homeschool-on After that, we'd recommend pursuing the other Helpful Links you can find on our website. You're also welcome to come and talk with us at any of our public events like our Fellowship Days!
2. Are you associated with any groups? 
Yes! Here they are:
3. What opportunities do you offer to help members connect? 
We have wisdom from the many moms (and families) that have been there and done that and excitement and energy from those just starting! To help members connect, we operate a private, virtual, communication platform (through mobilize) and have a variety of in-person events (listed below). This is where encouragement, friendship, and support happen and are great opportunities to build community with other homeschool families.
4. Are you on Facebook?
We have a public Facebook page as one of the ways we share public announements and events. We do not use it for our member's communication platform.
5. Are you a co-op?
No, we actually work as a Christian support group, not a co-op. It can be confusing! Here is a link that explains the differences well: https://hslda.org/post/what-are-homeschool-groups
Homebuilders offers a wealth of information and support from the many moms that have been there and done that. We don't, however, have the purpose of regularly offering classes to students like co-ops do. We do offer opportunities for our members to gather in the Brentwood/Antioch/Oakley area and get connected with co-ops or form their own though.
6. Are you a nonprofit? Can you take donations?
Yes! Membership dues are not tax deductible, but we do accept donations. Homebuilders Homeschool is incorporated in the state of California and is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit.


1. How do I join?
Everything you need for joining is under Membership.
2. Can I visit before joining?
Yes! Please come to one of our Fellowship Days, which are held at the beginning of each month in the Brentwood/Oakley/Antioch area. Just email info@homebuildershomeschool.com for details and time/location.
3. I'm part of a charter. Can I join your group? 
Yes! However, you should know that our group's focus is private homeschooling, which is in contrast with a public or charter school. You can still be a member of our group if you decide to go the charter route, but may not use our platform to ask charter-specific questions. 
Our bylaws state: "Homebuilders Homeschool’s focus is private homeschooling and is not a forum for information concerning schooling outside of and instead of private homeschooling. This organization does not regulate or enforce any one teaching method or philosophy of education to its member families. In a spirit of friendship, charter school members are welcome to join Homebuilders Homeschool with the hope of educating all members about the clear benefits of private homeschooling."
4. Why the stance regarding public charter schools?
Homebuilders is part of CHEA of California's Support Network and CHEA has the "mission to provide information and resources to families seeking alternatives to the public school system, while standing firm to protect the rights of parents to have the choice of how to educate their children."
Both CHEA and Family Protection Ministries have some helpful information to understand the differences between what is public and what is private education and their implications:  https://fpmca.org/charter-schools/https://cheaofca.org/homeschooling-101
5. How do I sign my child up for Shine (K-2nd grade), Rock (3rd-5th grade), Gel (6th-8th grade), or Alive (9-12 grade) groups?
When you join Homebuilders we help connect your students through events in grade specific subgroups: Shine (K-2nd grade), Rock (3rd-5th grade), Gel (6th-8th grade), or Alive (9-12 grade). You do not need to specifically sign them up for these groups. We'll use the grades you put down on your Homebuilders application and automatically put your students into the proper subgroups.
6. I'm thinking about homeschooling, but haven't started yet. Should I wait to join?
Visiting one of our Fellowship Days sounds perfect for you! You can ask questions of veteran homeschoolers and get helpful tips. 
As to becoming a member, if your children are younger than school age, you are welcome to join now. But if your children are school age, we ask that you wait until you've started homeschooling and/or your children have finished at their previous school. According to our bylaws, "Families must be currently homeschooling (not enrolled elsewhere) at least one child in the home. All other children in the home are welcome, but at least one child is homeschooled."
7. Do you prorate the fee if I join mid-year?
We don't prorate, but if you join in the summer you'll receive those summer months as a bonus! Our year goes from September-August. So, if you join in June, we'll give you membership through to the following year.  Please contact us with any questions about this: info@homebuildershomeschool.com
8. What about special needs students?
All abilities are welcomed in our subgroups and events! Many special needs families are in our group and regularly support each other. However, Homebuilders doesn't offer special needs services (speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc.).
For information concerning homeschooling students with special needs, we recommend these resources from CHEA and HSLDA: 

Events & Activities

1. Will my child make any friends? 
We hope so! We help connect our kids through social events in our subgroups (Shine, Rock, etc.)- typically monthly by age group and then we organize an all ages Fellowship day at the beginning of each month.
2. What official events do you typically have for members?
These events are typically member-only unless marked (🔹).
MONTHLY (September - May):
  • 1st Wednesday--Fellowship Days for all ages (outside groups invited🔹)
  • 2nd Friday--Shine Group Member Event (K-2nd grade)
  • 3rd Friday--Rock Group Member Event (3rd-5th grade)
  • 4th Friday-- Gel Group Member Event (6th-8th grade)
  • Various Days--Alive Group Member Event (high school) 
Other: Homeschooling 101 Sessions, Various Field Trips, Mom's Night Out
ANNUALLY (for all members unless noted): 
  • March--Spring Meetup (e.g. Bowling) 
  • April--Yearbook 
  • May--Formal Banquet (High School) 
  • June--Graduation (High School), Used Curriculum Swap (public invited🔹)
  • July--End-of-the-Year Party (public invited🔹)
  • August--Meet and Greet (public invited🔹)
  • September--Back-to-School Meetup (e.g. Roller Skating) 
  • October--Filing PSA (October 1-15) (CHEA's PSA filing event is public🔹)
  • December--Winter Meetup (e.g. Ice Skating) 
3. Can I plan events and activities?
Yes! Please set something up! The Homebuilders Board does not necessarily plan activities, but the Board encourages member families to plan and execute various activities for the benefit of other member families as long as they agree with our statements, bylaws, and policies. There are, however, official events that the Board oversees.
4. Can I share my passion for ___ with an event, activity, or class?
Yes! Hosting an official subgroup event or creating an unofficial event/class/activity on your own is the best way to ensure that you'll find what you and your family will enjoy and appreciate: Field trips, Lego build days, service projects, beach trips, co-ops, science/innovation classes, etc. Sharing our passions and talents is part of the beauty of a homeschooling community and doing life together!
5. Am I expected to be at every event and activity?
It's great when people can make it and we can all get to know and support each other! We definitely encourage our members to join us and host or co-host a subgroup event as they can. However, Homebuilders' events are optional and we understand that a lot of our members need flexibility (new babies, health, job schedules, etc.) and they can come to some of our official events, but not others.
6. Can my high school senior participate in your graduation?
Homebuilders graduation ceremony is a very exciting and special time for students to graduate with friends that they have come to know and love. We have a special community that has developed over time.
High school seniors may participate in our graduation ceremony if they have been a member of Homebuilders for two consecutive years prior to their graduation. The board reserves the right to make exceptions to this rule based on extenuating circumstances. A written request for exception would need to be submitted to the board no later than 4 months before the graduation ceremony.
If you are looking for a graduation ceremony, but cannot attend ours, please consider CHEA’s ceremony that they typically have at their annual convention.
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Homebuilders Homeschool is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation.